over the weekend there was excitement in the house as my husband begun ripping out the old shower in the upstairs bathroom.
not sure if i ever mentioned our 100 year old high water craftsmen we have been restoring...... on a small budget, plus doing most of the work ourselves.

^ this is a look at my girly girl bathroom the boys have to share with us while we tear out the upstairs bathroom.
boys forced to bathe in a claw foot tub?..... oh the torture!

i'm planning on keeping the old hot and cold sink and just replacing the taps....and using all brass fixtures.

^ jcrew men's store
wanting it to be like a gentleman's lair.....dark wood, blacks, greys....complete opposite of the bath upstairs.

wanting a straight black paint {on one wall} or a dapper pin stripped wallpaper

we have wood flooring that i plan on sanding down and then staining.
anyone know of a good marble company in NYC? i need to get a quote for the shower.
wish us luck!